Guide for Unlocking the Godly Item Seals

(Revised pRO Version)


**Please read the section thoroughly before starting out on any particular quest

1. You must be a 2nd Job or Advanced 2nd Job and at least level 70 in order to do these quests. (Some people say a level 70 first job can do this quest)

2. These quests just unseal the god artifacts, they do not create them.

3. Every quest has a limit on the number players to solve it (50 to unlock the next seal, a total of 100 to release the current seall)

4. A quest cannot start if it has not yet been unlocked (unlocking means that at least 50 players have done the previous quest..ex: in order for the seal quest for megingjard to be available, at least 50 players should have done the sleipnir seal quest). or the seal has been released.

5. If a seal has already been released,(100 players have done the quest) then you won’t be able to do that quest (until the seal status is


6. Once one of the 4 god artifacts has been created, the entire quest will re-set automatically. Players must then re-do all the quests again in order to create another godly item.

7. A character can do the quest only once

Unlocking the Seal of Sleipnir

Items to Prepare: 10 pieces of each material. (Single Cell, Nipper, Tentacle, Conch, Squid Ink, Heart of Mermaid, Fin, Sharp Scale, Fish Tail, Gill, Tendon, Stinky Scale, Crab Shell, Clam Shell & Sticky Webfoot)

1. Talk with a Juno resident named Noye (163,200) to start the quest.

2. Go to the house in Juno (218,177).

3. Go inside and talk with Cukure at the counter.

4. Answer “Why Not” when she asks you to help and receive a temporary

5. After obtaining the temporary pass, enter the portal on your left.

6. Inside there are 4 rooms with 4 sub-quests. (This quests must be
done in order)

1st Room (46,94) portal

1. Talk with Hallandaute (he will ask you to go find Meto).
2. Go to the item shop (194,141) in Juno and talk to Weigon.
3. He'll ask you to solve the problem about the mad scientist Meto.
4. Go find Meto in Juno (278,290)
5. Talk with Meto, then go look for Stangle (51,151).
6. Talk with Stangle (interrupt research) then go back and talk with Meto.
7. After talking with Meto, go find Kapto (51,105).
8. Talk with Kapto (interrupt research), then go back and talk with Meto.
9. After talking with Meto, go find Shishi (323,280).
10. Talk with Shishi (interrupt research) then go back and talk to Meto.
11. After talking to Meto, he'll say that he won’t do anymore research.
12. Now go back and talk to Weigon (194,141), He'll give you 10 yellow gems as a reward.
13. Go back and talk to Hallandaute, repeat the conversation until he mentions about the Sleipnir.
1st sub-quest complete.

2nd room (17,82) portal
1. Talk to Pavel.
2. Check the stone tablet behind Pavel.
3. Talk with Pavel again.
4. Check the stone tablet again, Examine every word and you will find something strange on it
5. There will be a keyword in the strange spot of the sentences. Find it and key it in.

keywords(in order):

6. After successfully keying in all the correct words, talk with Pavel again.
7. Pavel will thank you for your help.
2nd sub-quest complete.

3rd room (47,83) portal
1. Talk to Kurdt and you'll be requested to collect materials from more than 15 types of water elemental creatures.

10 units are required for each material.

  • Single Cell
  • Nipper
  • Tentacle
  • Conch
  • Squid Ink
  • Heart of Mermaid
  • Fin
  • Sharp Scale
  • Fish Tail
  • Gill
  • Tendon
  • Stinky Scale
  • Crab Shell
  • Clam Shell
  • Sticky Webfoot

2. After everything is collected, talk to Kurdt to give him everything you collected. He will thank you for your help.
3rd sub-quest complete.

4th room (16,93) portal
1. Talk with Aadin, he'll ask you to go Payon.
2. Go to Payon and talk to a Tao Practitioner named Lania. (81,171)

3. Lania will then proceed to narrate a story, keep on selecting "No,
please go ahead
" until he finishes the whole story. Then go back to
4. Talk with him, then he'll ask u to go find Lania again.
5. Go to Payon and repeat the whole process again.
6. Then go back to Aadin, talk to him and he'll thank you for your
4th sub-quest complete.

After you complete all the sub-quests, go back to the counter and talk to Cukure, you'll get a random item.

Congratulations you have finished the Seal of Sleipnir Quest.

Unlocking the Seal of Megingjard

Items to prepare: Lantern 1x, Magnifier 1x, Smooth Paper 2x, Oil Paper 1x, Squid Ink 3x, Feather of birds 3x, Blue Gemstone 20x, Green Herb 1x, Any kind of Doll 1x, BookClip in Memory 1x, Butterfly Wings(bring several for your convenience), Alcohol 7x (even Alchemist created Alcohol is acceptable)

1. Go to Prontera Castle and talk to a Crusader named Rebarev Doug (43,150 Prontera Castle)

2. Select What is it? then Sure, why not.

3. Talk to Rebarev Doug again, then select I am about to leave.

4. Talk to him again and select Where should I got?, then continue talking him and select What do you mean by the last mission? then copy down the blue words in the conversation.

5. Proceed to Prontera Library (120,266) and bring 1 Lantern and 1 Magnifier, and look for Librarian Jekan.

6. Talk to Librarian Jekan in the Prontera Library and select I want to read some documents. then Do you have bad eyes? then Let me help you find the files. then What kind of files are you looking for?. On the selection a dialogue box will appear, type-in the sentences below in the dialogue box:

The 3rd Company personnel in and out record crews. (Including the period)
The 3rd Company personnel in and out record crews
The 3rd Company Personnel In and Out Record Crews. (Including the period)
The 3rd Company Personnel In and Out Record Crews

Note: This part of the quest is still semi bugged up to this date Try out each of the sentences below until he answers Hmm..?How did you know about that?

7. Then talk to him again and select You have bad eyes? then Let me help you find the files…, now again select You have bad eyes? He will mention something about getting new lights and ask you if he can borrow your items (Lantern and Magnifier). Select No, I don’t mind. to give him the items. Talk to him again and select I want to read some documents., he will then ask you to check the files on the bookshelves.

8. Click the bookshelves in front of you until you find the record. (the file will appear in blue font).
Note: There are several files on the bookshelves, go through each one of them.

9. Talk to Librarian Jekan again, select I want to read the document, he will now ask you to gather 2 Smooth Paper, 1 Oil Paper, 3 Squid Ink, 3 Feather of Birds and 20 Blue Gemstone so that he can make you a copy.

10. Gather the items and give them to Librarian Jekan. Wait for about ten minutes then talk to him and select Search the document, read until a dialogue input box appears then type-in crusader the 3rd company the 1st platoon the 3rd squad.

11. Then select Search the document again and type-in the 3rd company the 1st platoon the 3rd squad the last mission to find out the story about Rebarev Doug's squad. After reading through the document, select Quit searching to end your session.

12. Go to Geffen and talk to Zan Huadoku (geffen_in 109,161 this is inside the Blacksmith’s Guild).

13. Select every option and keep on talking to him until he speaks about the the symbols of God, keep on talking to him until he says he can’t remember. (If you don’t speak to him until he can’t remember the quest part with Royal Myst will be bugged).

14. Go to the PVP room in Morroc.

15. Talk to Inn Employee in the left room. Talk to her and type Donon Cuaque in the dialog input box. Choose any of the three options (you might be killed by this NPC, if so, return and talk to her again). Talk to her until she says Aragham never hoarded upgrade items.

16. Now travel to cmd_fild09 bring any kind of doll with you (puppet, poring, chon chon, rocker, etc..). There are two ways to get to this map. 1.Warp yourself (use Kafra Warp) to Comodo Pharos Beacon and make your way to the portal to the right, or 2. From Morroc town go two maps down then exit thru the left portal.

17. Look for a house near the middle left of the map, (106 192). If you’re a Rogue then this map should be familiar to you (this is where you took your test, if I’m not mistaken). When you step into the portal, choose the following option when it becomes available: Aragham, didn't, steal, refining material. You will be warped inside the room after choosing the correct answer.

18. Once you are inside the room, go upstairs and look for the Suspicious Man (243,59). Before you talk to Suspicious Man make sure you have the doll in your inventory or else he will not let you continue your quest.Warning: If you choose the wrong answer in step 20 then you will have to go back to step 15.

19. Talk to Suspicious Man and try every option in the conversation until he tells you something about the Megingjard.

20. When the option appears like this: (refer to screenshot below) Megingjard there is a 2nd (sometimes even a 3rd) option right under it in white font (The option is in white font thus hidden, you have to highlight it in order to see it), choose the option which is Quietly listen to him to continue his story.

21. Now Go to Alberta. In Alberta look for the crusader Jack O' (196,146) near the Ship. Talk to him and select all the options, keep on talking to him until he says Excuse me, I need to take some Green Herbs. Taking these seems to be the only thing that works for my headache.

22. Go to Aldebaran and look for Emma Searth (66,213), who is near the Kafra HQ. Before you talk to her bring a Bookclip in Memory and Green Herb with you. Talk to her and select About her past first then choose the other options afterwards until she recalls her memory about the other guys.

23. Afterwards go to Jawaii, (bring a Butterfly Wing). There are 2 ways to get to Jawaii.
***If you are married you must pay 100k for the trip in Izlude (173,185). Then proceed to the bar (192,220).
***If you are single then go to Prontera Pub (204,156 near the PVP Room) and talk to Hans Solo (He’s at the far end of the room). Keep selecting Give me another Drink until you get drunk and he asks you to Sign In and he will send you directly to Jawaii’s bar for free.

24. Inside the Bar, talk to Security Officer [The Nineball], keep on talking to him until you get a blue text dialog.

***You can leave the bar by using a butterfly wing or you can drink a screwdriver from the bartender until you pass out and respawn at your save point.

25. Go to Comodo Town and enter the casino (140,115), bring 7 Alcohol and go to Royal Myst (He’s the guy with blue hair beside the table).

*** If this NPC doesn't interact with you go back and talk to the Geffen Crusader Zan Huadoku again to fix the quest.

26. Talk to Royal Myst and select the option Speak of Rebarev Doug first. Then, select the option Discuss Hobbies for 7 times and he will take a total of 7 alcohols from you. After you've given out 7 alcohols, talk to him again to find out more information. Choose every option.

27. Now, go back to Prontera Castle and talk to Rebarev Doug (43,150 Prontera Castle). Select any of the two options.

28. Go to Niflheim (it is best to save with the kafra in Umbala since you will be coming back here in a while) find Egnigem (109, 254). Select all options in the conversation in order. (It is best to bring some pots or someone to support you since the monsters in this map are aggressive and will attack you while you’re talking to Egnigem.)
29. Go back to Prontera Castle and finish the conversation with Rebarev Doug then talk to Max Von Shedough (33, 164) (behind the wall where Rebarev Doug is standing) until you get a message about documentation.

30. Return to Egnigem and talk to him. He will convert his life force to some experience points for you (Experience points vary with your Character's level.)

31. Finally, return to Aldebaran and find Emma Searth (66,213). Talk to her and you will receive an Old Blue Box and some experience points.(Experience points vary with your Character's level)

Congratulations you have finished the Seal of Megingjard Quest.

Unlocking the Seal of Brisingamen

1. Exit thru Prontera’s South Gate & talk to Nelliorde, the bard outside the gate (176,372) select “I want to hear” then “Sure sounds good" to start the quest.

2. Go to a house in Juno ( 95,182). Enter the portal and look for Enrico Kaili (47,112 inside the room). Talk to him then select “I can do that!” He will then give you a letter. (The letter won’t show up in your inventory, just in case you’re looking for it).

3.. Talk to Enrico again and he will tell you that you can get some info from a lady nearby. Find Marlin Putiur (23,123) in the same room. (She’s the NPC behind the counter)

4. Now go to Prontera Church(235,314). Go inside and find Hermite Charles (112,104)
he is at the far end of the room near the benches on the right. Talk to him and select the following options:
Give him Kaili’s letter”, “ Sure”, “When was the last time you met her?”.

Note: If you get stuck anywhere from here to step 12, start again from
this point.

5. Now exit the church, and proceed to the back of the church. Talk to Rosa Ellenen (prontera 258,354). You will find out that Lowen is dead. Go back to Hermite Charles and talk to him again.

6. Now go to 2nd floor of Geffen Dungeon (gef_dun01 88,191) and click the tree there. Then select "What are you talking about?" Then Ask "What are you?!" and she will tell you she is Lowen. Now go back to Prontera & talk to the Rosa Ellenen (prontera 258,354).

7. Now go to Prontera Castle and click on the “Personnel Record” on the Book Shelf (prt_castle 85,50). While checking the librarian will chase you away. Go back and click the book shelf again until the librarian says "What are you doing here? Don’t touch anything!"

8. Return to (gef_dun01 89, 192) and summon Lowen by entering the keyword "Lowen". Then move to
(gef_dun01 203, 48 : near the portal to the 3rd level) and summon Lowen again by entering the keyword "Lowen". You will be warped to a new location.

10. In this new location, Lowen Ellenen will materialize. Talk to her and listen to her story until the end. Then, select "You still have something to do." then select “I can help you!

11. You'll find a soldier behind Lowen. Now go and stand 1 cell in front of the Soldier, you'll be warped to witness the past.

12. After witnessing the past, talk to Lowen again. She will disappear (possessing your body), walk down
the path and kill all the monsters that you encounter. After you clear all the monsters Valkyrie will appear.

13. Talk to Valkyrie and select “Yes I will follow you”. Lowen’s soul will be sent to heaven and you will be returned to Geffen.

14. Now go back to Prontera and examine the tombstone beside Rosa Ellenen (258,354). After examining the tombstone go inside Prontera church and talk to Hermite Charles (112,104 inside the church).

15. After talking to Hermite Charles go to Juno and talk to Enrico Kaili and select “What is it this time?”. He will ask you to go to Lutie to find some clues.

16. Proceed to Lutie town & talk to a tree there (xmas 41,105). Click the Tree and select “Sweep the snow away with your hand” then “Adjust the puzzle”. Arrange the sentences in the following order:

The beauty of the stars
Wanes in comparison
We lost our hearts
To that golden hair
And those dazzling eyes

17. Then Alfrik will appear, talk to him. Select “It was Valkyre”. After that, he will ask you to wake up his brother Dvalin. He will disappear after you have finished the conversation.

18. Wake up Alfrik again (repeat step 16) and ask him for the location of Dvalin by selecting “Where is he?”.

19. Proceed to north east of Prontera (prt_fild02 182,268 the fastest way to get here is to exit north of prontera then exit thru any of the two map portals on the left). Click on the brushes and a dialogue shall start. Select “Scratch the surface”. Then arrange the sentences in the following order:

Her lovely scent
Still lingers in the wind.
We surrendered our hearts
To those tender teardrops.
Those seductive red lips.

20. Dvalin will appear after being summoned. Select "Alfrik sent me to wake you up!" and he will tell you to wake up his brother Berling. Return to Enrico Kaili in Juno and talk to him. He will tell you a story.

21. Now go to north west of Prontera & click on the rocks there (mjolnir_09 85,126)(fastest way to get there is to exit Prontera West Gate then exit Map portal on the top), Select “42!”. Berling will appear. Talk to him and select "Dvalin wants you to wake up” then “I don’t mean the original one, but..”. He will then ask you to go find Grer.

22. Warp yourself to Mjolnir Dead Pit (a.k.a. Coal Mines), you can use the kafra warp service in Aldebaran or Geffen. Proceed to the 2nd Floor (mjo_dun02 124,36), you have to be in the exact spot for the dialogue to start. Then select “I am sent by Berling”. He will ask you to prove that he can trust you. Click on the dialogue target and key in the following (including the period).

No jewel in the world can compare.
Our masterpiece made from love.
She wanted the dazzling necklace.
We wanted the goddess of beauty.
Our happiest times were with her.

23. Once you have inputted the sentences correctly Grer will appear. Finish your conversation with him then head off back to Juno and talk to Enrico Kaili. Select “I suppose your right”. He will then ask you to go to Alfrik.

24. Go Lutie town & call out Alfrik (repeat step 16). talk to him and select “What are materials for Brisingamen?”. He will then proceed to tell you what the needed materials are. Once you finish the conversation with Alfrik head back to Juno and talk to Enrico Kaili, select “*Ahem!* my reward!” and Kaili will give you a random card.

Congratulations you have finished the Seal of Brisingamen Quest.

Unlocking the Seal of Mjolnir

Items Needed: Hammer of BlackSmith 1x, Rough Oridecon 50x, Rough Elunium 50x, Oridecon 1x, +4 or higher Level 4 Weapon (equippable by your character) 1x.

1. Start the conversation with Tiafli at (prontera 124, 297), and select "Okay"

2. Exit to North of Prontera and find Roskva (prt_fild01 196, 47). Talk to her to get the Blacksmith's order.
If Roskva says visit the blacksmiths starting in the East and ending in the North, then visit the blacksmiths according to SET A.

If she says start from the North and end in the East then visits the blacksmiths according to SET B.

1. If you do SET A and Blacksmith A offers you options with "Sup" in it, then go and do SET B.
2. If you do SET B be extra careful once you reach blacksmith A. In your excitement you might select the wrong answer and this would be very costly for you especially if your weapon upgrading session with blacksmith C failed.
3. If for some reason you make the Dwarf mad then none of them will talk to you. You will have to go back to step 1 and start the quest all over again.

Blacksmith Order SET A
Blacksmith A
Move to east side (mjolnir_11 149, 247 which is 2 north, 1 east of Prontera) and find Austri. Note that you must bring along a hammer of blacksmith. Select "Excuse me, Sir!" in the conversation and go through the dialouge.

Talk to Austri again, he will ask you about what you want to know about. You have to select the option "About the Mjolnir". After that he will tell you a story, select the following answers "yes sir!", "yes?", "yes sir i agree", "i agree sir", "ah i understand sir", "yes sir", "yes sir".

Blacksmith B
Move to (mjolnir_09 209, 341 which is 1 west, 1 north of pront) and talk to Sudri. Then select "Excuse me sir". Sudri will challenge you to fight with him and you must select "i accept your challenge".

After you have accepted his challenge, start the duel with him. You must defeat him if you are to proceed.
NOTE: This part is random and can get frustrating. But, Some people say that there is some kind of pattern which is for You and I to discover. (My personal technique. Hit. Then Counter.)

Blacksmith C
Go to (mjolnir_01 35, 136 which is 2 north of Geffen). Find and talk to Vestri. Then select "Excuse me". He will ask you to bring a +4 or higher lvl 4 weapon and an oridecon. Take note that the refining process may fail.

Blacksmith D
Now bring some red potions and look for Nordri (mjolnir_12 18, 18 which is 1 south of Aldebaran). Talk to him, and select "Excuse me", Red potions will be removed by 1 unit after you've talked to him. He will then proceed to tell you a story after which he will ask you a question, answer "Blaze". He will then go on with his story and again ask you another question, this time answer "Thoughts". He will then proceed to continue his story and again ask you another question, this time answer "Age".

Blacksmith Order SET B
Blacksmith D
Bring some red potions and look for Nordri (mjolnir_12 18, 18 which is 1 south of Aldebaran). Talk to him, and select "Excuse me", Red potions will be removed by 1 unit after you've talked to him. He will then proceed to tell you a story after which he will ask you a question, answer "Earth". He will then go on with his story and again ask you another question, this time answer "High House". He will then proceed to continue his story and again ask you another question, this time answer "False Sun".

Blacksmith C
Go to (mjolnir_01 35, 136 which is 2 north of Geffen). Find and talk to Vestri. Then select "Excuse me". He will ask you to bring a +4 or higher lvl 4 weapon and an oridecon. Take note that the refining process may fail.

Blacksmith B
Move to (mjolnir_09 209, 341 which is 1 west, 1 north of pront) and talk to Sudri. Then select "[i]Excuse me sir[/i]". Sudri will challenge you to fight with him and you must select "i accept your challenge".

After you have accepted his challenge, start the duel with him. You must defeat him if you are to proceed.
NOTE: This part is random and can get frustrating. But, Some people say that there is some kind of pattern which is for You and I to discover. (My personal technique. Hit. Then Counter.)

Blacksmith A
Move to east side (mjolnir_11 149, 247 which is 2 north, 1 east of Prontera) and find Austri. Note that you must bring along a hammer of blacksmith. Select "Excuse me, Sir!" in the conversation and go through the dialouge. Talk to Austri again, he will ask you about what you want to know about. You have to select the option "About the Mjolnir". After that he will tell you a story, select the following answers "Yes Sir!", "Yes Sir", "I agree Sir", "I agree Sir", "I can understand sir", "Yes sir", "Yes sir".

3. Go back to Prontera and talk to Tiafli(prontera 124, 297) again. and he will ask you to bring 50 rough oridecon and 50 rough elunium in exchange for a reward from him.

4. After you have gathered the items, talk to her. Depending on your class, if you choose an item useful to yourself, you will get:

Knight - Hellfire
Crusader - Immaterial Sword
Wizard - Bazerald
Sage - Book of Apocalypse
Blacksmith - Slaughter
Alchemist - Azoth
Assassin - House Auger
Rogue - Weeder Knife
Priest - Slash
Monk - Kaiser Knuckle
Hunter - Ballista
Dancer - Rapture Rose
Bard - Electric Guitar
If you choose an item for a friend, you get a random lvl 4 weapon from the list above.

Congratulations you have finished the Seal of Mjolnir Quest

Reminder: All 4 Seals have to be released in order to create a Godly Item


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