NYCC '08: Metal Gear Online Hands-on
April 18, 2008 - The Metal Gear experience has always been a solitary experience. It's been great and we've embraced it for the awesome single-player gameplay that it has brought to the table, but there comes a point in a series' lifespan when it's time to expand. Time to break the former boundaries of one's youth, spread those wings and fly into the world of online gaming. Beta keys are currently making their way into some lucky gamers' hands, but at this year's New York Comic-Con Metal Gear Online was on display for anyone to come up and play for themselves. The setup was simple. Eight LCD screens, four facing one side, four on the other. It was red vs. blue in a classic team deathmatch scenario on Blood Bath, one of the five maps that will ship with the game. The introduction to the game was very simple. Being someone that has never played Metal Gear Solid 4's single-player game, I had absolutely no problems jumping in, setting up my primary, secondar...