Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Nintendi Wii Comparison
The Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii both jumped into the game console ring this weekend to compete against Microsoft's Xbox 360. Who is going to win? Everyone's watching to see how this battle plays out, because each company is pursuing a very different strategy. Sony and Microsoft are gunning for pure performance systems, while Nintendo is shooting at fun, playable games that rely more on its unique controllers than impressive graphics hardware. The consoles' prices follow the features and product strategy of each company: Sony PlayStation 3 Sony's PS3 is the most expensive at $500-600, because it includes a standard hard drive, a high definition Blu-ray optical drive, HD video output, Bluetooth wireless controllers, and--in the premium version--WiFi wireless networking. Sony is setting up the PS3 as a PC alternative. The premium model has a memory card reader for not only Sony’s own Memory Stick but also--in what must be an incredible fir...