After Apple set company records for first day pre-orders, selling over 600,000 in the first 24 hours, the iPhone 4 is expected to be one highly sought after device. Though it launches this week, Apple is delaying shipment of new pre-orders into the second week of July and beyond. For those who weren't fortunate enough to have secured a pre-order before shipments started getting delayed, but want to get their mitts on Apple's latest smartphone, IGN has you covered. Below we've listed some of the most basic ways to track down an iPhone 4 on or soon after launch day. Brave the Lines If you've got the time, the stamina, and the sheer mental willpower to wake up at the crack of dawn and get in line, you could walk out of a retail store with an iPhone 4 on launch day. In addition to Apple Store locations, Best Buy, Walmart, and Radioshack will all be carrying the iPhone 4 on June 24. Be forewarned, however; these stores are expected to be carrying only limited supplies, an...