Guitar Hero: On Tour Hands-on DS
May 28, 2008 - In less than a month, Activision will release Guitar Hero: On Tour , a Nintendo DS-exclusive spin-off of the Red Octane rhythm franchise. For more than a year, development studio Vicarious Visions has been on the task of bringing the series to the dual-screen handheld, a tricky project considering Guitar Hero has always been about wailing on a full-size guitar to the tune of guitar-heavy rock tunes. Activision let us get a deep hands-on with the near final project, and I have to say, for a version of the game that doesn't have an actual guitar to play, the Nintendo DS version nails the gameplay. Guitar Hero: On Tour isn't some quick-hacked, "tap the screen to the beat" touch-screen port. No, it's as true a Guitar Hero game as you're going to get on the handheld, complete with its own peripheral attachment. Each copy of Guitar Hero: On Tour comes packaged with a Guitar Grip. This attachment plugs into the Game Boy Advance cartridge port of the N...